Welcome to Online Connect

My hopes for this connect group are that it will become a meeting place both for those who like to discuss or debate, and for those who like to create.

Each fortnight I will be display a verse for discussion. Your posts could be thoughts on the verse itself, what the verse means to you, or even any other relevant comments which spring to mind.

Each fortnight I will also add some form of inspiration. It might be a photo, an interesting phrase, a situation or a task. I want to challenge those of you who enjoy creative writing. Please share your work with us.

Feel free to take part in either area or both areas. It's great to have you with us.

If you're not a member and you'd like to become one give your email address to Dave Anderson at church and we'll make it all possible.


Sunday, 24 August 2008

August 24 onwards

Greetings all.
Having posted new content each fortnight for the last two months with no comments at all, I've decided to try a different idea.
If we get a discussion going on any of the topics I've added so far, then I'll add a new topic. That way there'll always be at least 4 unexplored topics to choose from.

New starters for creative writing will be added as the inspiration arises.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Verse for Discussion 10 - 14 August

This week's verse is written on the right hand side of the screen in its own permanent space.

Does this verse have anything to say to us that will help us complete the task that's been set for us?

What do you think?

Click on "comments" below this post and add your thoughts and revelations on this verse.
(Remember, you need to give your email address to Dave Anderson or me, to become a member and be able to post on this blog.)

Monday, 28 July 2008

Verse for discussion 28 July - 10 August

This weeks verse is written on the right hand side of the screen in its own permanent space.

I'm going to try asking you all a question this time instead of sharing my opinion.

If God is going to answer before we call, and hear us before we've finished speaking, why do we need to pray at all?

What do you think?
Click on "comments" below this post and add your thoughts and revelations on this verse.

(Remember, you need to give your email address to Dave Anderson or me, to become a member and be able to post on this blog.)

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Verse for Discussion 13 - 27 July

This weeks verse is written on the right hand side of the screen in its own permanent space.

Now that's a verse to lean on!
When I was searching through the Bible to get to know Jesus better, this was the verse I fed off most. This was the only verse I could find where Jesus actually tells us what he is like; "gentle and humble in heart."
These days, in our busy world, it's the end part of the verse I cling to most. I love the way he can help us find "rest for our souls" even if our bodies and minds are still working flat out.

What do you think?
Just add your thoughts and revelations on this verse as a comment on this post.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Verse for discussion 29 June - 13 July

This week I noticed a new shop in town had opened up called "The Carpenter's Daughter" - a nice name. What was even better, was that beneath the shop's name is written "psalm 127:1" What a great verse to establish a business on!
I thought it would be a great verse to start our "Online Connect" with too.

My own thoughts are that it's a good verse to always keep in mind. I think everything we do - big or small, needs to have God's stamp of approval and be built according to His plan for it to prosper the way He wants it to.

What do you think?

What about the second half of the verse?